July is a month filled with birthdays in our family. My birthday is the 12th, Kyle's is the 21st, my Mom's is the 22nd, and Molly Kate's (my niece) is the 23rd. We definitely do a lot of celebrating in July! I was not really looking forward to my birthday this year, because I was turning 28 which is two years away from 30, and I have no children. However, my sweet husband organized a dinner with all my close friends in Oxford, and it brought much joy to the day! Also, my niece, nephew, and mother were in town for a few days, and they were able to celebrate with me too! It turned about to be a very special day thanks to my friends and family! I am beyond blessed! I guess 28 is not so bad after all! Maybe this will be my year!
Mom and Dad took me to
lunch at Nagoya to celebrate my birthday!
It appears Molly Kate likes the fire in this picture.
After it was over she looked at the chef,
and said, "You can not do that fire no more."
Mikias loved catching the food!
Molly Kate, Me, and Mikias
Molly Kate and Mikias loved helping
me open my birthday gifts!
Delicious birthday cake
that my husband got me!
Missy, Ellen, and Etta Catherine

Kyle's 29th Birthday Dinner
at Ajax
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