It is always very obvious when the students get back to campus, because my posting becomes less and less. I really am going to try to get better about posting more often! I have lots to catch you up on, but first I want to share with you what is going on in our fertility journey.
On Monday, we had our fourth IUI. This is the last IUI before we have to move on to IVF. I had very little expectations going in to the process even though my body seemed to be responding well to the treatment. From the first IUI to the third one, our scenario had worsened each time. Naturally I was expecting things to be even worse this time. The Lord certainly did exceed my expectations! I had 3 follicles that looked really good, and all the numbers were as good, if not higher than they were with the first IUI when I did in fact conceive. Kyle and I were very excited to receive this news, and as the nurse said "everything looks great on paper!" Now, we are just waiting for two weeks to see what happens.
Throughout this week, the Lord has given me such a peace about this round of treatment. I sometimes wonder if I have this peace because I have become numb to the situation through one difficult thing after another coming our way. I truly believe though that the Lord will indeed bless us with a child, but it will be in His TIMING and in His WAY. That is what gives me a peace. David Platt says, "When our goal in our lives is to grow in the knowledge of God, and to be transformed in His likeness, no matter how how deep and dark the trial is, we can know that our goal is going to be achieved." This quote has had a profound impact on me as I walk through this trial. I can experience peace, because I know the Lord is growing me in the knowledge of Him, and transforming me into the image of His Son.
I feel I cannot say this enough...THANK YOU so much for praying for us, and walking down this road with us. We are greatly encouraged, and feel so incredibly loved. You are dear to us. Please continue to pray for us in this time of waiting.
So excited to hear this great news! And I LOVE that David Platt quote! So great! Praying for you and Kyle during this period of waiting! Can't wait to see what the Lord has in store!