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Saturday, September 3, 2011


3 Month Stats
Weight: 13 lbs. 7 oz.
Height: 24 1/2 inches
Diaper Size: Size 2
Clothes Size: Size 3 to 6 months
What Hardy Likes: Hardy loves his changing table!
Once I lay him down, he starts to coo and kick about.
It is so cute!
What Hardy Dislikes: Once Hardy wakes up from his nap,
he does not like to be left alone. If I leave him for two seconds
to grab the bottle he immediately starts to pout and cry.
Best Moment of the Month: Hardy went to his first
Ole Miss football game!! He is officially a Rebel!

3 Month Highlights:
You are about to roll over! You get stuck on your side
and you just got to figure out how to tuck your arm.
You will no longer take the pacifier, but you have almost
found your thumb. As of right now, you kind of suck you fist.
You love to kick your legs. If I lay you down, those legs start moving!
When you get mad you start to sputter. It sounds like an
engine that will not start. It is adorable!
You love to blow bubbles and roll your lips together.
You are talking up a storm, especially when you are in your car seat.
You can reach out for objects, and your grasp is very good.
Whatever you get a hold of goes into your mouth.
You graduated to a sleep sack and you love having
your arms free! You move them around a ton while sleeping.
When I wake you up in the morning, you give me the biggest
grin and my heart melts! It is precious!
You are so active! You would much rather lay down
and stretch out than be held.
You are so sweet when I wake you up for your
late night feeding. I am going to miss it so much.
You are probably the only person who loves the sound
of my voice so much. When I sing to you before bed,
you will stare so intently at my face and give me
the sweetest smile. It makes my cry every night!

1 comment:

  1. He is just so precious and beautiful (if beautiful is an appropriate adjective to use for a boy :-)
