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Monday, October 3, 2011


4 Month Stats
Weight: 14 lbs. 3 oz.
Height: 26 1/4 inches
Diaper Size: Size 2
Clothes Size: Size 3 to 6 months
What Hardy Likes: Hardy loves his Lamaze toys!
He is especially fond of Jacques the peacock.
The bright colors attract his eye, and he will
study them for quite a while.
What Hardy Dislikes: Riding in the car for long
periods of time. He is good for two to
three hours, and then he wants to get out!
Best Moment of the Month: Hardy's dedication
at Grace Bible Church. What a special moment!

4 Month Highlights:
You are so close to rolling over! You almost have it,
and when you get stuck you get so mad. I always know
because I hearing you grunting on your activity mat.
You have mastered your grabbing skills. Whatever you
can get your hands on goes directly into your mouth.
You are really becoming a big boy! You will
reach out and grab for your bottle and try
to put it in your mouth.
You still love to kick your legs, especially when
laying on your changing table.
Last month you were fascinated with your hands, but this
month you have found your feet! You love to look at them
and stare at your big toe. If you could just get it in your mouth!
You have also learned how to clasp your hands
together. You are very intrigued by how
they come together and apart, and you
will do it over and over.
You are getting so strong, and you do a good job
of sitting up when pulled up by your arms. You
also hold your head very high when on your tummy.
You have become so much more animated and engaged.
You are talking a lot more, and you are
constantly giving us smiles and laughing.
You love to watch the T.V. Baby Einstein videos
definitely grab your attention. You love the music
too! Maybe you will take after Poppa and Aunt Lexi!
You still love blowing bubbles, and you have
become really good at rolling your lips together.
You would still rather lay down
and kick about than be held. You
love to play on your activity mat.
You have become familiar with certain songs
I sing to you at bedtime. You give me the biggest
smile when I sing "I love you Lord."
You are such a sweet baby! You have completely
captured the heart of your Mommy and Daddy!
We love you more and more as each day passes!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 4 month birthday Hardy! You are getting so big and cuter every time I see pictures of you! Hope to see y'all soon! MIss you!
