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Thursday, December 1, 2011

2nd Annual Tacky Christmas

One of our co-workers with Crusade, Nick, host a Tacky Christmas Party for the staff and students every year. This year he went to extreme measures and even wrapped his house! He let all of us know there was a surprise for when we arrived. I would have never guessed! In case you were wondering, you can wrap your house too! It just takes a lot of time, and you better hope it does not rain! It was a fun night of fellowship, and Hardy enjoyed meeting Santa!

Santa (Nick) and Hardy

Checking out Santa...
yes, his beard is real!

Our Family

Kailey, Hardy, and Bill

Mary (Sarah) and Santa

Ben and Nick

Staff Team: Baldwin, Kyle, Nick, Martin, Bill, and Ian
Graham, Hardy, Me, Christie, Lauren, and Carmen Rae

Kyle, Hardy, and Me

Hardy with the ladies

Interns: Martin, Christie, Nick, Lauren, and Bill

New Staff & Interns:
Martin, Christie, Nick, Lauren, Carmen Rae,
Ian, and Bill

1 comment:

  1. That wrapped house is HILARIOUS!!! I've never seen anything like it!
