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Monday, July 6, 2009

One Fine Couple

Two weekends ago, Kyle and I attended the wedding of Craig Daniel and Missy Ludlow where Kyle had the honor of being a groomsman. Craig has been a co-worker of ours for the past year and a dear friend to both of us. Missy will be joining us this fall and I am more than thrilled to work alongside her. Kyle and I both agreed it was a  great pleasure to be a part of this rehearsal dinner and wedding. "Why?" you might ask. I think it was because it gave us such a glimpse of what heaven is going to be like. At the rehearsal dinner we got to see a great picture of redemption through the stories told about Missy. Missy walked through a period of darkness in her life but by the grace of God has now surrendered her life to Jesus Christ and has a beautiful relationship with Him. We also got to see a great picture of how much Christ loves His bride (the church) through people talking about how well Craig loves Missy and the grace that each of them give to each other. Kyle and I always love being a part of weddings because it is always such a great reminder that marriage is a special gift from the Lord. But, it is also what makes us long for heaven even more and the day that we will be united with Jesus Christ. Thanks Craig and Missy for such an incredible weekend. You both have encouraged us greatly and we look forward to having you join us in Oxford! 

Ellen, Corrie, Me

The Groom, Craig and Me

Jill, Me, Sarah

Sigma Nu's: Kyle, Carl, JR, Jeff, and Jim

Kyle and I

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