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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Where Have The Coles Been?

Kyle and I have been quite the traveling duo recently. After Craig and Missy's wedding, we traveled down to Blue Mountain Beach, Florida and spent a week with Kyle's family at the beach. We had been at the beach earlier this summer with Crusade, but this was a much more relaxing trip because it was actually vacation. I always look forward to this trip because it is so laid back and enjoyable.  Of course, we spent lots of hours on the beach working up a good tan and reading some good books, but what I enjoy most is just hanging out at the condo at night and visiting. We even put together a puzzle and played a few games of charades. It was such a fun trip and we are grateful to The Coles for taking us on vacation every summer! 

After our lovely vacation to the beach, all of my family came to Oxford to celebrate the fourth of July. It was so nice to have all of my family in one place and to be able to spend time together. We all LOVED getting to see Molly Kate too (my niece)! She is growing up so fast and such a delight to be around. She used to call us Aunt Mamie and Uncle Kyle but now it is just MamieKyle, like we are one person. It is just so cute! We had a great time on the fourth and Molly Kate loved the fireworks. We had a nice view from Vaught Hemmingway and I must say I was quite impressed with the fireworks in Oxford! Today, we drove Laura and Molly Kate back to Louisville to visit them for a few days! Molly Kate sang Old McDonald many times from Oxford to Louisville and today Old McDonald had a MamieKyle! Loved it! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog design! It's so colorful! Cute pictures from the fourth too! I love the one of MK and Emmy! It's precious! So glad I got to spend the Holiday with you and your family!
