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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Third Times a Charm...

At least we are hoping this old saying will become true for us! I have never thought I would be so happy to begin my cycle (nor did I think I would be posting about these things), but I sure was happy to see that happen today. It was definitely a small gift of mercy from the Lord for three reasons: I did not have to travel to Memphis, we did not have to pay for the blood test, and we get to begin treatment again. We are very thankful for these small blessings from the Lord! When I spoke to the nurse today, she was pleased to hear my cycle began, and said we could start treatment again on Saturday. As I was sharing all this with my mother-in-love today, she reminded me that from the beginning of the last round of treatment, Kyle and I never had a peace about the situation. Maybe that was just our way of protecting our hearts, but I do think it was in part a prompting from the Holy Spirit. Even after the miscarriage, Kyle said, "I think it will take two more times." We do hope and pray that "the third time is a charm." Thank you for continuing to pray for us. Just today I received an e-mail from a blogger that wrote to share her story, and tell us she has been praying for us. One would expect their family and close friends to be praying, but about once a day I hear of someone praying for us that I do not know. This is extremely humbling, and brings much encouragement to my heart. Please pray that we will continue to persevere through this trial, and that in the midst of it we will not miss out on growing into the likeness of Christ, and gaining a deeper knowledge of him. Above all, we pray that we continue to bring glory to the Father as we wait on Him to bless us with a child.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! Courtney told me about your blog! I have already started praying for ya'll on your journey to have a child. So glad to reconnect with ya'll! I'll be following your blog! We have recently started a blog telling about our journey to adopt our baby girl from Ethiopia! It has been fun getting to reconnect with Laura too on her blog...I am just lovin' the blog world! :)
