Wow! I did not realize how long I have been absent from blogging! Since the morning sickness set it, I have spent much of my time sitting in front of the big screen. While I know this is not very healthy for me, it's about all I have had energy for most days! On Friday, I made a trip to Blockbuster in search of something to do over the weekend. Being that there was not one single movie in the entire store that peaked my interest, I decided to take a friend's advice and rent the first season of GLEE! This show is spectacular! It combines two of my favorite things: singing and dancing! I became so obsessed in the first few episodes that I could not peel myself away from the T.V. all weekend. I have a to-do-list a mile long, but I just could not quit watching this show! Yes, it is Sunday and I am about to watch the Season Finale! Some may say what a waste of time, but I have thoroughly enjoyed myself! I would die to be a part of this show, but those who know me well know that is just a dream, because I have absolutely no coordination and I cannot carry a tune in a bucket! Guess I will just have to live vicariously through my new found friends! Any other fans out there of this amazing show?!?

Amy, I am obsessed with Glee. Like the second I get to work in the morning, I go to hulu.com and start watching. You are not the only one that is addicted and can't get up and peel yourself away! I LOVE it. One a week is not enough! When I started watching it a few weeks ago, I cried at the end of every episode! haha I was just so moved! anyway, that's enough about my Glee obsession.