1. Salvation: a gift I do not deserve but the Lord has so graciously given to me. I am thankful for His sacrifice that was made on the cross so that my sins could be pardoned, and I could have a personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
2. Family: Of course this always makes everyone's list, but I truly am so grateful for mine and Kyle's family. They are precious to me, and always go above and beyond for us. Over the past year, they were so supportive as we walked through the most difficult trial in our lives.
3. Campus Crusade: What an incredible ministry, and I have the privilege of working with them. I am so thankful for college students, and that I have the opportunity to share with them the best gift they could ever receive.
4. Our Staff Team: Simply put, they are amazing and like family to us. We are so extremely blessed to have these people as our co-workers! They love us so deeply, and we are thankful for them.
5. Friends: We have been blessed with so many amazing friendships, and I have seen that play out even more so as we walked through infertility. Many of our friends were so consistent in praying for us, and always letting us know they were there for us. When we announced our pregnancy, I believe some of our friends were just as excited as us!
6. Emmy: I cannot leave this sweet puppy out! Emmy is our chocolate lab that brings so much joy into our lives!
7. Our Supporters: Our ministry is 100% funded by others, and we are incredibly grateful for the sacrifice these friends and family make in order for us to be able to serve the Lord through Campus Crusade. They are the ones who make our ministry at Ole Miss possible! Thank you!
8. My Sister, Laura: I know I already mentioned family, but my sister is in a category of her own. I still believe that a sister is one of the greatest gifts that the Lord can give you. She is amazing, and I am thankful for the many ways she has sharpened my life! Love you!
9. My Precious Husband, Kyle: He is so dear to me, and honestly I do not know how I would have survived these past 18 months without him. He is a constant source of strength and encouragement. He is always so positive, and that is a quality which I am very grateful he possesses.
10. Last but certainly not least, BABY COLE: We are beyond grateful for this incredible gift the Lord has blessed us with! What a miracle! Our hearts are still in awe of this life the Lord has created!
I hope each of you has time today to reflect upon the many ways the Lord has blessed you! May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!

I am so thankful for you too my precious sis! And I continue to thank God always for the little life inside of you...He is so good!