Judging by all the hits I have had on the blog this week, I do believe many of you were waiting for me to unveil Baby Cole's gender! I really hate to bring such disappointment, but just know that I was very disappointed as well. After being scanned for a total of 2 hours, it is still up in the air as to whether we are having a baby boy or girl. The first day too much cord was in the way to be able to see, and the next day the baby's legs were crossed and the cord was in between. Baby Cole may have unfortunately picked up a trait of mind called stubbornness, or maybe he or she was just having a little fun like it's father and playing a trick on us. Either way we were sad we had to cancel the party, and we still do not know! My sweet friend will be scanning me again December 22nd. I am pretty sure she will be able to see by then because I will be 16 weeks and everything will be furthered develop. We plan on finding out with our families on the 23rd, and then have our Gender Reveal Party in January when everyone returns from winter break. Of course, we have learned an important lesson early...plans certainly can change when you have a child!