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Friday, March 4, 2011


Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of Baby: Baby C is the size of an
English Hothouse Cucumber (length)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 20.5 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Love them! Looking for some
fun summer dresses, because I am already getting
hot! Can't wait to pull out my white jeans!
Gender: B-O-Y
Movement: He is a squirmy little fellow! He is
still way more active at night just like his daddy!
Sleep: Not too great, but learning to deal with it!
My wedge pillow does seem to be helping some.
What I Miss: Energy! Mine never really came
back...I'm still so tired! Hope it returns soon
because I need to start nesting!
Cravings: Chips and Queso....this has been
a craving throughout my entire pregnancy!
I had it 3 times this week!
Symptoms: Oh yeah, that evil Morning Sickness
revisited me this week! Seriously?!?! Lots of heartburn too!
Best Moment of the Week: We had a great doctor's
appointment on Monday! All seems to be
going well and I passed my blood sugar test!


  1. I just want to say that I have never seen an "english hothouse cucumber" in Kroger before. I will be on the lookout next time I am there!

  2. Hi! I was blog-hopping tonight and stumbled on your blog. I was completely drawn in as I saw so much of my own life in your life. I, too, went through YEARS of infertility as the Lord patiently taught and molded me. I am a Jesus-lover, PCOS sufferer, and now BLESSED momma!

    Thanks for sharing your life. I look forward to reading more! ~Chelley

  3. Chelley--So glad you found my blog! Sounds like we have a LOT in common! Thanks for leaving me a note! :)
