1: I married Amy in the Grove on May 6, 2006. Best decision of my life! (Amy and the Grove)
2: I decided to intern with Crusade to give back a year after college. Six years later, I can see myself doing full-time ministry the rest of my life. One-trick pony.
3: My first mission trip to Italy opened my eyes to how badly the world needs Christ and how bad America needs gelato.
4: I really miss all my high school and college friends. I’m about as good at long distance relationships as Tiger Woods. However, when I see them it’s like I never left.
5: I have a hard time asking people for things. Good thing my families livelihood doesn’t rely on me raising financial support. Oh wait…
6: I’ve skydived, bungee jumped, jumped off waterfalls, and conquered every thrill ride I could find without a second thought, but when I speak in front of large groups I get nervous. Go figure.
7: My addictive personality has led to many childhood collections (ex. Pez Dispensers, Disney DVD’s, Bouncy Balls, Baseball Cards, Signed St. Louis Baseballs, and many more), crazy amounts of road trips, having to use strawberry Chapstick by the hour (filthy habit), and an unhealthy obsession with Rebel sports.
8: I’ve been to a football and basketball game at every SEC school. (I only lack Florida and South Carolina for baseball) Take that Bear Bryant!
9: I’m thankful I never had to use a public bathroom after Goliath.
10: I have 3 different Top 100 Bucket List: Sporting Events, Travel Destinations, and Universities. (I’m over halfway through all 3. Either I’ll be ‘bucket kickin” sooner than later or I’m an overachiever).
11: Coke Icee’s are to me what cocaine is to Charlie Sheen.
12: I’ll eat pretty much anything, as long as it’s in really small pieces and has a toothpick attached to it.
13: I’ve gotten my hair cut the same way since I was 12 but my personality test says I am extremely high change.
14: I’m not overly impressed with sliced bread.
15: I was never a dog person until I met Emmy. I will never be a bulldog person.
16: Thanks to my parents and grandparents being extremely giving people, I have had the opportunity to go to hundreds of sporting events and concerts. The Ole Miss coaches don’t call him “Dollar Bill” for nothing.
17: Until the Rebs make their national title run, Disney World is my happiest place in the World.
18: I don’t put as much thought into things as I should. (see this list for an example)
19: I’ve been collecting Ole Miss things since I was a little kid. Amy was nice enough to let me have a Rebel Room but I have enough stuff to fill Rowan Oak.
20: I could throw up a baseball and hit it when I was just over a year old. Unfortunately, my athletic ability peaked at an early age.
21: My biggest pet peeve is seeing someone have more fun than me. I’ve never been peeved in Starkville.
22: My spiritual life is more important to me now than ever before. My life = God then Family then Friends then a whole bunch of selfish hobbies.
23: I love my family more than Winnie the Pooh loves honey.
24: If someone pocket dial’s me I catch myself listening to the first 30 seconds like I’m a CIA operative.
25: The fact that there are more pictures of sunsets than sunrises makes me feel a little better about sleeping in.
26: Whenever the batteries in my remote die I convince myself pushing the buttons harder on my remote will make it work.
27: A Zac Brown CD and a case of Tahitian Treat is all I need for a successful afternoon.
28: When I walk into a spider web I immediately bring out my inner Ralph Macchio.
29: I’m slightly offended by the fact that I never get offended.
30: People have told me I look like Mr. Bean, Bob Sagget, and Benny “the Jet” Rodriguez. Wide-ranging talent!
31: My ticket board’s bigger than your ticket board.
32: LSU week is my most wonderful time of the year.
33: Nothing gets me in the Christmas spirit like a tree strapped to the top of a car.
34: Mexican is my favorite American food.
35: I may tell you that I’ll tell them you said “hi” but I’m not really going to tell them.
36: When I’m trying to be healthy I’ll finally eat fruit. Problem is it’s usually covered in chocolate.
37: I try to never eat before breakfast.
38: The best advice I received in the 90’s was “don’t go chasing waterfalls”. Thanks for everything TLC.
39: The first thing I’m going to teach baby Hardy to say is “help, they think I’m a parrot.”
40: Now that we are getting older Amy won’t admit her age and I won’t act mine.
41: I would rather run up 3 flights of stairs than walk up one broken escalator.
42: I’m more star-struck by Archie Manning than Morgan Freeman.
43: When I’m parking at Wal-Mart the people walking annoy me, when I’m walking out the people parking do.
44: My wife has the memory of Howie Schwab.
45: My TV thinks I’m a better listener than my wife does.
46: All it takes is a catchy beat and I catch myself singing all kind of things that don’t apply to me.
47: I’ve always wanted to walk into an AA meeting and admit to them that I’m addicted to cold turkey.
48: ESPN is my kryptonite.
49: I’m slightly offended that they still make Oreo’s that aren’t double stuffed. They don’t make Raisin Bran with one scoop of Raisins anymore.
50: Often when I watch a movie I loved as a kid I discover I had no clue what was going on in the movie.
51: I feel the need to wash a shirt if I wear it for over an hour but I’ll wear pants until they are heavier than the first day I put them on.
52: One of my life goals is to have someone make a bobble head of me.
53: I have a costume closet that would make a 6 year old insecure.
54: One of my favorite college pastimes was going to parties where I didn’t know anyone and getting in every party pic taken. One night Waldo.
55: The more LSU fans I meet, the more I like my dog.
56: Every time I try to chase my dreams, Ole Miss loses another game.
57: I am now an old man. The History channel is becoming one of my favorites. I never go to swamps or pawn shops, but I like shows about both.
58: I subconsciously listen to 3 minutes of commercials, and then change the radio station as soon as a song starts.
59: I would do more for a Coke Icee than a Klondike bar.
60: My alarm is set to Cher’s “If I Could Turn Back Time”. Don’t judge.
61: If I drop a piece of ice I kick it under the fridge unless someone is watching.
62: I’m not scared to put the side of the popcorn that says “this side up” facing down in the microwave. Rebel!
63: One of my goals is to be important enough to be assassinated instead of murdered. Secondary goal is too successful avoid both.
64: Anytime I’m worried about money I remind myself that every country is in debt.
65: I once got a paper cut when I was putting a Get Well card into an envelope.
66: I would like to think the average person is wiser than an owl.
67: I made a commitment to myself to never drink a drink that’s name ends in drink. So far so good!
68: I’ve never been beat in tic-tac-toe. Wish that talent would have carried over to something that paid better.
69: I don’t like 75% of the songs on my Ipod.
70: I enjoy cutting up but hate cutting a rug.
71: I really wish I knew the muffin man.
72: I’m not as impressed as you think I am that you successfully backed into that parking space.
73: February 15th is one of my favorite days of the year. No more Kay Jewelers commercials for another 10 months.
74: If someone is standing over my shoulder while I am typing I immediately drop down to a 3rd grade typing level.
75: I can’t say the words nincompoop or shenanigans without smiling.
76: I like to think that my favorite Bible characters are celebrities in Heaven. “Paul! Paul! Will you sign my Bible?”
77: I’m from the most obese city and I live in the most obese state. (fat chance – heavy odds)
78: I get confused if wearing white or black makes you look big because all my black friends are bigger than my white ones.
79: I would rather chase an ice cream truck around the block barefoot to pay 2 bucks for a Chaco Taco than eat one out of my freezer.
80: I’ve been eating Frat Food for over a decade and I’m still alive to talk about it. Cue Destiny Child’s “I’m a Survivor”!
81: I started living my life with an eternal perspective my senior year of college. Sorry Rebs, but I do still care.
82: I’ve gotten over 30 speeding tickets without loosing my license. If fought the law and it was a draw.
83: I’ve read Genesis about 5 times more than any other book due to unsuccessfully trying to read the Bible in a year, year after year.
84: I respect shepherds more than anyone else. They’re the only people I know that can count sheep all night without falling asleep.
85: While listening to the radio I subconsciously try to sing like whoever is on. An unsuccessful endeavor.
86: The only thing I have in common with the Pope is we both love Italian Orange Fanta.
87: I was a Devil in high school, a Rebel in college, and a minister now.
88: Nothing says party to me like a chocolate fountain.
89: The opening credits of Disney movies with the castle, fireworks, & fairytale music makes me a lot happier than it should.
90: I have no problem loading up two huge plates of food at Chinese buffets just to eat 1/3 of it, but then I feel guilty taking more than one fortune cookie on my way out.
91: I was a marketing major so I could avoid math in school. 85% of the time I know I made the right choice but the other 20% I have my doubts.
92: I would walk 500 miles but 500 more seems a bit excessive.
93: I used to play golf like Shooter McGavin but now I’m more like a Happy Gilmore without a good drive.
94: I try to live my life in a way that I don’t have to look forward to the weekend.
95: Movies about one dog dying are a lot more depressing to me than movies about 1000’s of innocent people getting killed.
96: Everything I didn’t learn in school I’ve learned from Google.
97: I like using the leaf blower with the backpack on it so I can act like I’m a Ghostbuster.
98: I’m almost 30 and I still secretly look for staircase railings to slide down.
99: I live my life in a Hotty Toddy frame of mind. Being a Rebel builds character!
100: I’m extremely embarrassed by the fact I took the time to do this list.
These are hilarious! Love it! Amy you married a very funny guy!