Three Week Stats
Weight: 8 lbs. 15 oz.
Height: 21 1/4 inches
Diaper Size: Size 1
Clothes Size: Size 0 to 3 months
What Hardy Likes: Having his forehead gently
rubbed. It always puts him to sleep.
What Hardy Dislikes: Waiting to be fed.
He wants to eat immediately upon waking up.
Best Moment of the Week: Hardy got to
meet three of his "Aunts" this weekend:
Morgan, Christie, and Carmen Rae! He
also attended his first wedding of our
dear friends Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Walker!
I am so honored to be one of Hardy's "aunts"! I LOVED meeting that precious baby boy and definitely did not get long enough with him! Keep the pictures coming... love them! So thankful for this sweet baby boy and his wonderful parents! He is definitely a keeper! Love him!!!