Four Week Stats
Weight: 9 lbs. 14 oz.
Height: 22 inches
Diaper Size: Size 1
Clothes Size: Size 0 to 3 months
What Hardy Likes: Riding in the car, but only if
it is going fast. He does not like to slow down or stop.
What Hardy Dislikes: Getting buckled in the car seat.
Once he is in though he is very happy!
Best Moment of the Week: Hardy had his first stroll
in the BOB and he loved it! Hopefully, we will have
some cooler days and be able to go on more strolls.
My Sweet Hardy,
I cannot believe you are already a month old! It really does seem like yesterday that you were born and I was staring into those big blue eyes for the first time. You cannot even imagine how much love and joy you have brought to your mommy and daddy. It is a love like I have never know before! I really think I could just sit and watch you all day--if only there was no laundry or bottles to be cleaned. You are so precious when you are sleeping and you already have so many facial expressions. You make this one face that I call your "frog face" and it is so stinkin cute! You have even given us a few smiles and those definitely melt my heart. I think you are going to be a lot like your daddy and I love that too! You already have his long legs and your feet our identical to his. I think you are going to have some of his personality too. You seem to be quite social and you love to go places even if you sleep through most of it. You my little Hardy are a miracle and every day I thank our Father for blessing me with such an incredible gift. I am beyond grateful that he has given me the privilege of being your mommy. I love you so much and I am so blessed to have you as my son!
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