7 Month Stats
Weight: 16 lbs. 10 oz.
Height: 27 1/2 inches
Diaper Size: Size 2 (almost 3)
Clothes Size: Size 6 to 12 months,
9 months in footed pajamas
What Hardy Likes: Hardy loves Peek-A-Boo!
He will start laughing so hard sometimes
that he has to catch his breath. You can
play this game over and over, and he
just keeps laughing. It's adorable!
What Hardy Dislikes:
Waiting on his food to be made.
Hardy can be quite the impatient fellow
when he is hungry. He wants to eat and eat now!
Best Moment of the Month: Hardy's First Christmas!
What a special day! I loved all his different
facial expressions as we showed him his new toys.
7 Month Highlights:
You have become incredibly active in your crib.
You roll from one end to the other. Rolling
has definitely become your mode of transportation.
You slept on your tummy for the first
time on December 14th. You often sleep
on your tummy with your little booty up and
your feet tucked underneath.
It is so cute, and I have taken tons of pictures
of you sleeping.
You have developed a fond affection for you lovey
whom we have named Bobo the Hippo. You sleep
with Bobo every night now and snuggle up with him.
You have become a social butterfly. You are
very aware of other people in public, and you
will blow bubbles and grin to get their attention.
You started eating bananas and sweet
potatoes this month, and you are a fan of both.
You sometimes get teased and it is so precious.
You will give a big grin and then hide
your sweet face in my shoulder.
You have started to reach for us
and put up your arms when
you want to be picked up.
You always play with your foot when
I am feeding your bottle to you. Those little
toes are still fascinating to you today.
You are becoming more independent,
and sometimes you try to
hold the bottle yourself.
After I feed you at bedtime and lay you
in your crib, you poke out your tummy
and do a big stretch. I think it's a sign
of complete satisfaction.
Your biggest accomplishment this month
was you learned to wave! You waved for
the first time on December 29th as were
leaving CC and Papaw's house. When you
waved on command for Dr. Sanford he was so
impressed and we sure were proud parents!
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