9 Month Stats
Weight: 17 lbs. 14 oz.
Height: 29 inches
Diaper Size: Size 3
Clothes Size: Size 9-12 Months
What Hardy Likes: Dada!! Hardy
said Dada for the first time on February
8th and he hasn't stopped since then!
Hardy LOVES his daddy!!
What Hardy Dislikes: Anything green!
Hardy does not like green vegetables!
He seals his lips tight and refuses
to eat them.
Best Moment of the Month:
Hardy is crawling!!!
9 Month Highlights:
You love to play with your musical table.
Your favorite thing is to open and shut
the computer on it.
You also love to drop items off
the couch and watch them fall
You could play this game for
hours, well probably only 10 minutes!
You learned how to bang 2 items
together this month, and you love
to bang 2 balls together. This provides
minutes of entertainment too!
You also learned to clap your
hands together! We sing "if your
happy and you know it.." and you
will clap your hands. It's adorable!
When I am warming your food in
the microwave, you lean over in your
highchair and peak around the corner
of the island to see what I am cooking.
It is the cutest thing!!
Your mind is becoming more and
more curious. You will inspect an object
for quite some time, but you always go
back to the tried and true method
of putting it in your mouth.
You say "og" for Emmy.
Every morning when you wake
up and I come get you, the first thing
you say is "og, og" and you don't
stop until we see Emmy. Then,
you give the biggest smile!
You cut your first two teeth this
month on the bottom. No
more toothless grin!
Your biggest milestone this month
was that you learned to crawl.
You crawled for the first time on
February 28th. The days leading up
to this you were so close and we quickly
became your cheerleaders. Once you learned
though, you progressed so fast. The very
next day you were on the move and pulling
up on everything.
Where has my baby boy gone!?! You
are growing so fast, but every day
we have with you is an absolute joy!
You fill our hearts with joy
beyond measure!
We love you so much Hardy!
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