8 Month Stats
Weight: 16 lbs. 13 oz.
Height: 28 1/4 inches
Diaper Size: Size 3
Clothes Size: Size 9 Months
What Hardy Likes: Hardy loves a bath!
He would stay in there until his toes
shriveled up! Nana taught him how to splash,
and he has a blast splashing around!
What Hardy Dislikes: Long trips in the car!
This is not going to be good with a
father whose nickname in
high school was activity Kyle!
This is not going to be good with a
father whose nickname in
high school was activity Kyle!
Best Moment of the Month:
Hardy is sitting up all by himself!
8 Month Highlights:
You always sleep on your tummy now.
If you fall asleep on your side for a nap,
we know you will be up soon. You seem to
sleep the best on your tummy.
When you are really tired, you pull your
ear and we know it is time for a nap.
You dropped your dream feed this month.
You really could have dropped it a while
back, but I was just not ready. I cherished
that time with you and just could not let it go!
You now sleep from 8 at night to
8 in the morning. Wahoo!!
We are so proud of you!
You started eating pear, asparagus, mango,
butternut squash, and avocado this month.
You absolutely love avocado and yogurt!
It is hands down your favorite food.
You now shake your head back
and forth all the time now as if you
are saying no. It is quite funny!
You get so excited when you see Emmy now.
I'm so happy that you are beginning to love her.
Your biggest accomplishment this month is
you sat up for the first time by yourself
on January 17th. I was so nervous at first that
I kept my hands right behind you. You would
get tired after about five minutes, and fall back.
Over the next few days, you got stronger and
stronger and you would just sit forever playing
with your toys! You are becoming such a big boy!
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